Monday, October 20, 2008

Is spelt even a word?

Have you ever cut yourself clipping your toenails? I just did for what I think is the first time in my life. I also think that is the first time I've ever spelt the word toenail. Ok, I think that's the first time I've ever spelt the word "spelt". Maybe not, it's been a really long time since I've written anything.
So... Jeff has a blog and I also read a really good daily blog by the steep and cheap guy. It seems fun to blab about stuff you think and care about. However, writing a blog therefore creates a conundrum for me because I neither think nor care about many things. At most, the things that I may ponder are very unlikely to exist in the thoughts or cares of anyone else. But, I'm going to pollute the inner nets with my nonsense banter anyway. Hopefully this will promote more thinking, caring, and writing in my life. I think I'll try to write a new one every two weeks. It won't be nearly as good as the two previously mentioned blogs so no one has to feel obligated to comment or even continue reading. However you can expect topics such as music, life... actually you know what... you can't expect anything. This is my blog and I can do anything I want. I could just paste a study on feces some week and by the time you realized it you would be half way through. You think you know? You have no idea. This is the blog of Trevor Scott.

1 comment:

Jeffery said...

Some thoughts:
1) Spelt is a word but it's the name of a hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe. You're looking for spelled.

2)I laughed out loud when I read this at starbucks and got funny looks.

3) Inner nets = funny

4)feces = funny

5) the Mtv Diary reference at the end that I'm sure hardly anyone gets = Effing hilarious.

6) I'm stoked, I love reading blogs.
