Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Car chase update

So the story is in the news now, but basically some idiot 19 year old was suspected for armed robery, stole a car and when they tried to pull him over he decided it was a nice day to try to evade. He bailed into the woods and actually got away. But later he checked into the hospital with frost bite and got bagged. I was wrong about the car. It was a Mazda 6. In any event, the kid is only 19 and has already been in a high speed chase. What am I doing with my life?


Jeffery said...

So was it a mazda or a mitsubishi? It does Karen really know the kid? And what woods did he run into? So many questions!!

Karen said...

Um, nevermind. I don't think I know that car. At first I really thought I knew who that was, though.

Also, car chases are probably awesome until you have to run into the woods, get frostbite, go to the hospital, then go to jail or pay huge fines. Then your life would suck.

Trevor Scott said...

It was a 2004 Mazda 6. He ran into the woods off of 89 somewhere. They had the lighty upy signs over the freeway saying not to pick up hitch-hikers on 89.
